About eggcicle


My Story And Mission

At 3 years old I made my mother walk down every aisle in the grocery store to meet and visit with every baby in the store.  Everyone that knows me will tell you that I have always loved babies and would happily drop anything to pick one up or hold a bottle for their tiny human.  As I grew up, it was no mystery to anyone that I wanted children and hoped to have a pile of them!

Fast forward a few decades and I found myself a single, professional marketing executive with a great dog but no husband or children.  This was not the way I had imagined my future.  Clearly, it was time to create a new plan for my future and consult some experts in the world of IVF.

Armed with a new perspective, I met with an amazing fertility doctor, Laurel A. Stadtmauer with the Jones Institute, who listened to me and helped me create a path forward with frozen eggs.  This first visit offered me some hope for my future and a path to have a family.  In the following 15 years, I retrieved eggs, transferred embryos and made agonizing decisions about my next steps. Along the way I registered a URL, www.eggcicle.com, with the hopes of one day sharing my experiences with others.  With the love and support of my family, countless friends and a team of dedicated doctors, I was able to make my dreams a reality. I had fraternal twins in 2013 and another baby boy in 2016.

In my view of the world, there is not one path to having a baby. My fertility journey has been long, emotional, expensive, painful and joyous.  I created eggcicle to provide information and inspiration to other families who want to have children but haven’t been able to follow a traditional path. I love my three babies and I’m thrilled that eggcicle has become my next adventure.